Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005: Seize every day the best you can…

As we ran into 2005 some news have made us think about how fragile life is on Earth. Thousands of miles away from our places, brothers and sisters traveling with us in this small planet, bear with pain personal loses from December 26 Indian Ocean Earthquake, for them my respect and condolences.

As I checked for something to help me forget this crude reality, well I found something interesting in the sky that made me remember when Mr. Robin Williams in the Death Poets Society Film said “Seize the day”.

Now it makes sense: take very minute during 2005 and enjoy it.

This is what I found: NASA group has upgraded asteroid 2004 NM 4 to category 4 on Torino Scale, meaning that now we got a 1/60 chance of having a collision by April 13 2029. Jay Manifold has made some numbers and calculates 1.600 megatons impact with 250.000 casualties should the asteroid impact US territory or 2.5 million souls in the case of India given the population density. Fortunately, we still have high probabilities of getting more information in few days that may change this announcement.

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Time Management

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