Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Goals and chemicals
Why we felt like dying when we fail....why love can keep us awake....check this article at for an interesting take on the chemical side of setting up goals.....and love is a goal for sure...isn't it?
Should we drive or eat?
I was driving fast through the countryside and suddenly felt hungry..turned on my radio and heard .."144 USD per oil barrel.."...I thought to myself ..nothing new as oil prices these days are going up...I wondered why so expensive? Maybe because someone is making a couple bucks (as Paul Krugman explains)..?.. or because now is time to get serious about oil-based economy and is time to shift for green sources.. then...what about corn..and ethanol...(check for this article "Six Ethanol Myths" at Wired).
Nowadays..we have more great news as food prices are up 3% (according to Edward Lazear - ethanol-only estimate) excuse me ..75% due to biofuels (according to The Guardian) well make your own conclusions..I think we need more studies...
Let's go and get something to eat...
Nowadays..we have more great news as food prices are up 3% (according to Edward Lazear - ethanol-only estimate) excuse me ..75% due to biofuels (according to The Guardian) well make your own conclusions..I think we need more studies...
Let's go and get something to eat...
Friday, June 27, 2008
A recipe for FUN!!!!!
Don't miss it ...check this link for a recipe on how to have FUN!!! in your life, you might want to download the article as well...a very clever approach from Michael Bungay Stanier
Thursday, June 26, 2008
World Statistics - Facts and GapMinder
Gapminder Foundation has developed a tool that help us to better understand statistics on world economic indicators by expressing them as dynamic and interactive graphics based on the software Trendalizer. Google has acquired Trendalizer in 2007 and is developing a Gadget called Motion Chart.
Clouds, Sun, Moon ...the Stars and Computing Power
Geva Perry at Gigaom is posting an interesting proposition on cloud computing and economies ofscale where a strategy to balance supply and demand curves for computing power consumption, data center location, energy savings based on the 24 hour cycle create a powerful equation thatworth to take a look.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Cyclic Bubbles..
This article from Jeremy Grantham from GMO explains why the credit bubble and the subprime crisis isn't over and how we are the verge to see a major and prolongated impact on the international financial markets. We should be reading carefully the last Federal Reserve reaction (Jan 21 2008) cutting federal fund rates to 3 1/2 and the "financial instability hypothesis" developed by Hyman Minsky.
ECM, WEB2.0 & Enterprise 2.0
ECM and Enterprise 2.0
From: Frappaolo, 3 months ago
Overview of the role of ECM in Enterprise 2.0, with a further focus on content security
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Time Management
Time Management
From: damone, 1 year agoA detailed process for taking control of your schedule
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